Junction Road to be closed at Broadgate for rock blasting starting tomorrow

Date Published: 
04 Mar 2019

The Junction Road in St. Mary will be closed intermittently to vehicular and pedestrian traffic at the community of Broadgate for three days starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5, 2019. The restriction is being imposed to facilitate the blasting of hard material which forms part of an embankment being removed to create the right of way for the ongoing road expansion project.

NWA’s Communication and Customer Services Manager, Stephen Shaw says the days scheduled for blasting are Tuesday, March 5, Thursday, March 7 and Friday, March 8. He explains that the roadway will be closed at 9 a.m. each day and will be fully reopened to vehicular and pedestrian traffic at 5 p.m. Mr. Shaw says that during this eight-hour period there may be points at which vehicles could be allowed to traverse the affected area provided that it is safe to do so.

The NWA is however advising that in order to avoid delays motorists may opt to use alternative routes such as the roadway through Grande Hole, Richmond and onto Highgate or the North-South Highway on the days blasting is scheduled. The activity will also take place at other times during the month of March.

The NWA continues to remind motorists to observe the various warning signs that are posted along the active construction zone.