Closure of May Pen Bridge, Clarendon tomorrow

Date Published: 
11 Dec 2020

The May Pen Bridge, in May Pen, Clarendon, will be closed on Sunday, December 13, 2020. The bridge will be closed for seven hours, starting at 7:00 in the morning and is expected to be reopened at 2:00 pm.

Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw says that the bridge is being closed to facilitate urgent repairs to the driving lanes. The lanes have become badly rutted, due to recent rains.

Mr. Shaw says the repairs will span the entire width of the roadway and that it is necessary for the structure to be closed. The road is to be resurfaced under the NWA’s current patching programme.

During the period of closure no vehicles will be able to enter or leave the town of May Pen via the May Pen Bridge. Motorists wishing to enter May Pen travelling from the direction of Kingston or Lionel Town should continue along the Bustamante Highway onto Glenmuir Road and Anderson Drive. The reverse obtains for those who wish to travel east of May Pen towards Old Harbour and Spanish Town.

The NWA is urging motorists to factor in the traffic change in their travel plans for tomorrow and apologizes for any inconvenience this necessary closure may cause. Motorists are also being reminded to obey the posted signs and directives signals of the flag-persons.