Gordon Town Road reinstatement works to commence in February

Date Published: 
29 Jan 2021

Having received Cabinet approval for the proposed $195-million dollar spend on a project to construct a retaining structure and reinstate the roadway along a section of the Gordon Town Road, in St. Andrew, the National Works Agency (NWA) has instructed the contractor to commence works by early February.


The design calls for the construction of a 71-meter long retaining wall to hold the road embankment at the affected location, which will form the major part of the works.


The retaining wall will comprise of both a random rubble masonry and a reinforced concrete structure which together will be approximately 21.5 meters high. A number of site visits and geological reviews had to be conducted at the site to inform the current solution as the road embankment is located on unstable soil.


The section of roadway, which is located along the Papine to Redlight corridor, failed in the vicinity of Stand Up Hill following heavy, incessant rainfall late last year. The consecutive flood events severely affected the condition of and impeded travel along several roadways in southeastern parishes.


The Gordon Town Road wall construction project will be completed over six months.