Major Traffic Changes for New Kingston

Date Published: 
06 Jun 2008
New Kingston Flow

Following the signalisation of three intersections in New Kingston on Wednesday, the National Works Agency (NWA) will be implementing major traffic changes in the area, effective next Monday, June 9.
The changes will result in right turning movement and parking being restricted along some streets in the very busy business district.

Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw, said as of Monday, right turning movement from Knutsford Boulevard onto Dominica Drive will not be allowed. Dominica Drive, which is now one way between Knutsford Boulevard and Grenada Crescent, will now accommodate two lanes, one in either direction. No parking will therefore be allowed on this section of the corridor.

Right turning movement will be allowed at the intersection of Knutsford Boulevard and Trinidad Terrace. Parking will, however, be banned along Trinidad Terrace, between Knutsford Boulevard and Grenada Crescent. The section of roadway which is now one-way from east to west, will be converted to two–way, allowing traffic in either direction. The section of Trinidad Terrace between Knutsford Boulevard and Altamont Crescent will be converted to one-way to Altamont Crescent. No parking will be allowed on this section of the roadway.

Persons wishing to enter New Kingston from Altamont Crescent can use one of the link roads to St. Lucia Avenue.

No - Parking restrictions will also be enforced along Barbados Avenue and Grenada Crescent. Both roadways now accommodate one lane of traffic, but will, as of Monday, be allowed to carry two lanes at a time. All the diplomatic parking along Barbados Avenue has been relocated to Knutsford Boulevard.

Mr. Shaw said the changes were being made in New Kingston to facilitate the smooth functioning of the three intersections that have been signalised along Knutsford Boulevard.
Minister of Transport and Works, Mike Henry, along with State Minister with responsibility for Works, Joseph Hibbert, on Wednesday commissioned into service the traffic signals at the intersections of Knutsford Boulevard and Barbados Avenue; Knutsford Boulevard and Grenada Crescent; and Knutsford Boulevard and Trinidad Terrace. The signalisation of the intersections was done at a cost of $8.5 million and forms part of the NWA’s new high-tech traffic management programme for the Corporate Area. The new signals include high-performance sensors capable of responding to the traffic flow at each intersection, plus being gradually controlled and synchronised as needed from the Traffic Control Centre.

Mr. Shaw said the changes will be monitored with the intention of carrying out further modifications if they become necessary.