Effective immediately, motorists travelling between Grants Pen and Mezgar Gardens, St. Thomas will be rerouted. Motorists will now use the newly aligned section of road, constructed as part of the multibillion-dollar Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Programme (SCHIP).
Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw says that the road section, which is 760 meters long, replaces the 1.4-kilometer winding section of the road.
He says that travel time reduction and savings on fuel costs are among the direct benefits to be realised from the realigned road.
Mr. Shaw adds that the contractors are pushing to have motorists benefit from the use of at least two lanes of the new four lane highway from Harbour View, St. Andrew to Yallahs, St. Thomas by the end of August.
The NWA expects that a further two point five kilometers of road between Eleven Miles and Mezgar Gardens will be opened for public use before the end of next week.
The SCHIP section from Yallahs to Harbour View is being reconstructed at a cost of over US$110 - million.