Smooth sailing, Segment Three of Highway completed

Date Published: 
22 Jul 2009
Segment Three

Travelling between the resort towns of Ocho Rios and Port Antonio is now smoother, safer and a joy to many motorists, who for the first time in years can enjoy this picturesque side of Jamaica along a vastly improved road. Work on the corridor, which forms Segment Three of the Northern Jamaica Development Programme was substantially completed at the end of June.

Started in 2006, through a grant from the European Union and funds from the government of Jamaica, the 96.2 kilometer stretch, except for minor works, is now complete. The contractors are presently completing minor works in Section 5 - Buff Bay and Port Antonio. Guard rails are also being installed between the communities of Snow Hill and Norwich.

Through the project, 47 kilometers of roadway had its base improved, while 48 kilometers was reconstructed on either a new or the original alignment. The roadway now boasts 3.65 meter wide driving lanes, with 1.5 meter wide surfaced shoulders. In order to further improve the safety of road users, a number of curves have been widened, bus bays created and right turning lanes constructed.

Eight new bridges have been constructed, three widened or extended and 13 others rehabilitated. All existing box culverts were replaced or improved and new ones constructed in order to facilitate adequate drainage along the roadway. Traffic control devices and informational signs have been installed and environmental mitigation measures undertaken.

Through the project over 14,000 square meters of reinforced retaining walls were built, 7,400 cubic meters of pipe culverts installed and over 600 traffic signs erected  along the corridor.