Effective Wednesday, December 20, traffic changes will be implemented in the town of Port Antonio in
Portland. This is a seasonal traffic change sanctioned by the National Works Agency (NWA), in the
township, to ease the congestion anticipated with the onset of the holiday season.
The changes will take effect on December 20 and will remain in force until Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
The following changes will be in effect for 24-hours each day, including on weekends.
- Vehicles travelling easterly into Port Antonio will enter through the Marina, which will operate as a
one-way street.
- Vehicles travelling westerly will use West Street to exit Port Antonio.
- Sommers Town Road will be converted to a one-way street travelling southerly.
- Vehicles travelling northerly from Sommers Town Road will turn right at the intersection onto East
Palm Avenue, then merge with the traffic on Allan Avenue.
- No vehicle will be allowed beyond the intersection of Norman and Sommers Town Road; these
vehicles will be directed onto Allan Avenue.
- Single lane parking will be enforced along Fort George Street.
Motorists are further being advised to observe the instructions of posted directional signs.