General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parish Road Section Project Type Road Type Statussort descending
Manchester Greenvale - Spur Tree Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
Clarendon Four Paths To Whitney Patching NWA 100%
Clarendon Gravel Hill - Ritches Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
St. Andrew Meadowland Drive Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
Westmoreland Shrewsbury/Roaring River Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
Manchester Downs - Gutters Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
Clarendon Chesterfield To Rocky Point Patching NWA 100%
St. Mary Agualta Vale to Broadgate Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
Clarendon Smithville - Effort Road Rehabilitation NWA 100%
St. Andrew Maynard Road Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
