General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parishsort descending Road Section Project Type Road Type Status
Westmoreland Goodens River – Glasgow Patching NWA 100%
Westmoreland Bartletts River - Negril Capital A Patching NWA 100%
Westmoreland Torrington – Pennycooke Patching NWA 75%
Westmoreland Mckfield - Ferris Capital A Patching NWA 100%
Westmoreland Retieve - Marchmont Road Rehabilitation NWA 50%
Westmoreland Torrington - Galloway Patching NWA 75%
Westmoreland Seaford Twn - Marchmont Road Rehabilitation NWA 30%
Westmoreland Race Course Construction of Culverts Parish Council 40%
Westmoreland Negril - Negril Light House Reinstatement NWA 100%
Westmoreland Hopeton-Auchindown Patching NWA 100%
