General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parishsort descending Road Section Project Type Road Type Status
Westmoreland Race Course Construction of Culverts Parish Council 40%
Westmoreland Negril - Negril Light House Reinstatement NWA 100%
Westmoreland Hopeton-Auchindown Patching NWA 100%
St. Thomas Eleven Miles Bridge Construction NWA Pending
St. Thomas Church Corner to Morant River Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
St. Thomas Morant Bay to Port Morant Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
St. Thomas Port Morant to Pleasant Hill Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
St. Thomas Albion - Llandewey Road Rehabilitation NWA 60%
St. Thomas Friendship, Wilmington Road Rehabilitation NWA Pending
St. Thomas Middleton (Morant Crossing - Whitehall) Road Rehabilitation NWA 10%
