General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parish Road Section Project Type Road Typesort descending Status
St. Catherine Melvin Avenue Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
Manchester Main Street/Hargreaves/Caledonia Avenue Traffic Management Parish Council Awarded
St. Mary Valley Bush Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Awarded
Clarendon Juno Crescent Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
St. Elizabeth Newell To Bethany Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 40%
St. Mary Dover Periodic Maintenance Parish Council Awarded
St. Mary Top Valley Bush Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 20%
Westmoreland Mt. Blessed Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 100%
Manchester Chudleigh Housing Scheme Periodic Maintenance Parish Council 100%
Kingston New Port West Port Bustamante (2nd St. North) Road Rehabilitation Parish Council 50%
