General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parish Road Section Project Type Road Type Statussort descending
St. Catherine Old Harbour to Old Harbour Bay Road Rehabilitation NWA Pending
St. Thomas Eleven Miles Bridge Construction NWA Pending
St. Catherine Sligoville to Spanish Town Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
St. Catherine Spanish Town to Bamboo Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
St. Catherine Fairview Park Housing Scheme Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Linstead PC Road Periodic Maintenance Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Sinclair Drive Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Bog Walk to Natural Bridge Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
St. Catherine Dempshire Pen Road Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
Westmoreland Ferris Cross - Scotts Cove Road Rehabilitation NWA Pending
