General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parish Road Sectionsort descending Project Type Road Type Status
St. Ann Brown's Town to Alexandria Periodic Maintenance NWA 100%
St. Ann Brown's Town to Stewart Town Periodic Maintenance NWA Awarded
St. Catherine Brunswick Aveune Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
Portland Buff Bay Valley Retaining Wall Parish Council Awarded
St. Catherine BUSHY PARK River Training Parish Council COMPLETE
St. Catherine Byles to Dover Road Rehabilitation NWA Pending
Manchester Caine Shop - Skull Point Road Rehabilitation NWA 100%
Manchester Caines Shop To Highgate Hall Periodic Maintenance NWA Awarded
Manchester Caledonia Ave/Bromelli Traffic Management Parish Council Awarded
Manchester Caledonia Ave/Mandeville Plaza (Entrance/Exit) Traffic Management Parish Council Awarded
