The Ministry of Transport and Works/National Works Agency have been exploring the idea of providing opportunities for individuals and groups and corporate entities to contribute to the upkeep and beautification of median strips and roads along the island's main road network.
In this regard, the Ministry's / NWA’s Tree-mendous Beautification ADOPT-A-ROADWAY PROGRAMME has been established as a public service programme for volunteers to landscape, beautify and maintain roadways islandwide. We invite environmentally conscious citizens, community and civic organizations, private businesses and industries to contribute to a cleaner and more beautiful main road network.
Besides cleaner and more beautiful roadsides, the programme will provide the ideal opportunity for volunteers to maintain, beautify and apply landscaping skills along the roadways adopted. It should also foster greater civic responsibility, community pride and camaraderie among volunteers.
While this programme may not be used as a medium for public discourse or advertising, participants will be recognized for their efforts by a special sign erected at the adopted section of landscape.
How the programme will work
Under the conditions of the programme the groups / individuals will agree to landscape, beautify and keep the adopted section of roadway clean and attractive. In this respect the adoptee will be responsible for the following:-
- Provide financing and supply all needed material
- Submit a landscape plan
- Submit a maintenance schedule
- Erect signs which identify the road section / median strips for which they have responsibility
- Maintain the adopted area for a minimum of two (2) years
- Activities should be in keeping with MTW / NWA efforts to make the roadway more pleasing to the eye
- Use environmentally friendly products
Road safety is of primary importance in all decisions related to the ADOPT- A- ROADWAY programme. It is for this reason that only individuals / groups whom we deem to be responsible and exhibit the desired ability to achieve the programme's objectives will be allowed to adopt roadways. Requests may be refused if it is our view that they will jeopardize the programme, threaten public safety, or are in conflict with the policies of the MTW / NWA.
Participants in this programme should not be Officers, Employees or Agents of the MTW / NWA. Injuries, claims, liabilities, suits or costs arising from the participants' activities related to any agreement between the MTW / NWA and the participants shall be their (the participants) sole responsibility and they shall not hold us responsible for any injuries etc. that may result from participation in the programme.
Individuals/ Groups wishing to participate in the ADOPT- A- ROADWAY programme, must complete an Agreement Form and submit this to the MTW / NWA. Every Agreement shall be for a fixed period of not less than two (2) years and shall not exceed five (5) years from the date that the Agreement was signed.
Responsibilities of Participants
Participants in the ADOPT-A-ROADWAY programme must:
- Appoint / select an individual who will be their representative or act on their behalf.
- Ensure that the group's representative attends safety meetings called by the MTW / NWA.
- Abide by all rules and regulations relating to safety